PUBLICATIONSDomestic Conference

Seungyeob Chae, Minjoong Rim, Chung G. Kang, Sangjin Cho, and Sujin Kim, "차세대 이동통신 시스템에서 대규모 연결을 지원하기 위한 반복패턴 선택," in Proceedings of JCCI 2016, Sokcho, April 2016.
Jun M. Lee and Chung G. Kang, “Slotted ALOHA with Different Slot Length for Underwater Acoustic Networks,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
I C. Kim and Chung G. Kang, “Optimization for Vertical Double-beam Tilting in Full Dimension MIMO System,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
Chung K. Kim, Chan S. Yang, and Chung G. Kang, “Performance Analysis of Adaptive LBT Scheme for License-Assisted Access System in Unlicensed Spectrum,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 다중안테나 시스템에서의 데이터 전송률 부정확성의 개선을 위한 스케줄링,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
조상진,채승엽,김수진,임민중,강충구, “셀룰러 IoT 시스템에서 셀 경계 디바이스의 충돌 감소,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
김수진,김소이,한효준,임민중,강충구, “대규모 연결을 지원하기 위한 셀룰러 IoT 시스템에서의 혼잡 처리,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
김수진,김소이,채승엽,조상진,임민중, “대규모 연결을 지원하기 위한 부호화된 랜덤 액세스와 반복 전송 패턴의 혼합,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 연결을 위한 비직교 다중 접속에서의 직교 채널화,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 접속을 지원하기 위하여 대규모 다중안테나를 활용한 직교에 가까운 다중 접속,” in Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2016, Yong-pyong, Jan. 2016.
Min S. Han, Yong I. Choi, and Chung G. Kang, “Channel Decoding by Exploiting Data Correlation,” in Proceedings of KICS Fall Conference 2015, Seoul, Nov. 2015.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 다중안테나 시스템에서 데이터 전송률 부정확성의 개선을 위한 간섭 평균화,” in Proceedings of KICS Fall Conference 2015, Seoul, Nov. 2015.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 다중안테나 시스템에서의 링크 적응을 위한 외부 루프 전송률 제어,” in Proceedings of KICS Fall Conference 2015, Seoul, Nov. 2015.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 연결을 지원하기 위한 부호화된 랜덤 액세스 시스템에서 패킷의 반복 횟수에 따른 충돌확률,” in Proceedings of KICS Fall Conference 2015, Seoul, Nov. 2015.
채승엽,조상진, 김수진,임민중,강충구, “대규모 다중안테나 시스템에서 수직 빔포밍의 성능 향상을 위한 방법,” in Proceedings of KICS Fall Conference 2015, Seoul, Nov. 2015.
채승엽,조상진,김수진,임민중,강충구, “IoT 환경에서 대규모 연결을 지원하기 위한 슬롯 알로하,” in Proceedings of KICS Fall Conference 2015, Seoul, Nov. 2015.
Ku M. Cho, Jun M. Lee, and Chung G. Kang, "Probability Distribution of Distance between BS and MS with Non-homogeneous PPP Modeling," in Proceedings of KICS Summer Conference 2015, Jeju, Jun. 2015.
Ameha T. Abebe and Chung G. Kang, “Iterative Order Recursive Least Square Algorithm for Compressive Sensing-based Machine Type Communication,” in Proceedings of KICS Summer Conference 2015, Jeju, Jun. 2015. ★ Best Paper Award
Yong I. Choi, Jae W. Lee, Min J. Rim, Chung G. Kang, Jun Y. Nam, and Young J. Ko, "System-level Evaluation of Limited Feedback Schemes for Massive MIMO," in Proceedings of JCCI 2015, Buyeo, April 2015.
Chan S. Yang, Chung K. Kim, and Chung G. Kang, "Performance anaylsis of LTE in unlicensed bands," in Proceedings of JCCI 2015, Buyeo, April 2015.
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